Highlights for 2006
April 2nd-Senior division field trial finals~ 2nd line & 3rd tree
April 2nd-Bear Race~ 1st line & 1st tree
June 24th-UKC water Race~ Heat:1st line & 1st tree. Final:1st line &
1st tree.
July 9th-Treeing Contest~ 2nd place
--winnings need to be added as of December 20th
Sit down tree dog *most of the time* |
--------NITECH GRCH'PR' northern blue hammer XVII
------GRNITECH GRCH'PR' northern blue hammer XVIII
--------CH'PR' nothern blue missy ann
---NITECH GRCH'PR'Mighty blue XVIII's hammern buck
--------GRNITECH'PR'graham's blue TNT
------NITECH GRCH'pr' spices mighty blue sassy
--------'PR' rock's blue kate
-GRCh'pr' Hard Worken Hoss
--------GRNITECH'PR' goose creek tack II
------GRNITECH GRFCH GRCH'PR'kraut creek blue Zoro
--------GRCH'PR'Kraut ck. bl. serenade
---'Pr' Moser's Creek Dottie
--------GRNITECH'PR'Manns' wild-n-blue spanky
------'PR'spice's mighty blue lasy jane
--------'PR'Lingo's wood witch